Freedom Bar

Real Food Bar

The Situation

Freedom Bar, creators of a whole-food nutrition bar that could go head to head with the leading competitors (Rxbar and Larabar) and win on both taste and stated claims of real-food, had the best kind of challenge a client can possibly come to us with: a fantastic product in a category that was practically exploding, but the existing packaging wasn’t telling the story clearly and provocatively enough to capture buyers’ and consumers’ attention.


The Solution

Our strategy was to take Freedom Bar’s competitors head on with an emphatic tagline (“Real food. Period.”) coupled with an audacious front-to-back on-package challenge (“Flip the bar, nothing hiding”) directing consumer to read Freedom Bar’s ingredient list closely and inviting comparisons to the leading brands where concentrates, extracts and ‘natural flavors’ from lab-made formulas can be found “hiding” in the ingredient list on their packaging. Our redesign was both clean and bold, dialing up the good ol’ food charm and the clean eats appeal simultaneously.