Siyum Hashas

Daf shel sefinah—"A lifeline through the ages"

The situation

To bring to life the global vision of Rabbi Meir Shapiro, of blessed memory, who founded the Daf Yomi movement nearly a century ago, Agudath Israel of America partnered with us to create its most innovative campaign platform to date, with the goal of inspiring worldwide Jewry to make the commitment to take part in celebrating the Daf Yomi.

Crossing countries, borders, and communities and reaching the very essence of what gives life to our people, the Agudah’s formidable Siyum HaShas campaign has spanned the past 3+ years and touched thousands of Jews of every demographic. Its historic culmination will take place this January 2020 at MetLife Stadium, attended by the largest gathering of Jews in the world. Throughout the duration of the campaign, Ptex was tasked to develop assets that were universally resonant across a wide spectrum of Jewish communities, generating pride and, most importantly, action. 

The creative solution

With emotionally driven and spiritually inspired campaign themes, the Siyum HaShas campaign succeeded in rallying world Jewry to take part in the study of Daf Yomi—and in doing so, helped to shatter the perceived barrier to entry that has held so many back from participating in years past.

The narrative of the campaign is anchored in Daf Shel Sefina, the boat of Daf Yomi, symbolizing a safe haven from the stormy seas of life. Creating visuals, ads, and fundraising collateral for private meetings with philanthropists around this vivid imagery allowed us to not only tell a story, but to cultivate a sense of urgency and connection to a cause that has kept our people going throughout the generations. Further reflecting the gravitas and history of Daf Yomi, the campaign included etching artwork of gedolei hador

Additionally, the Agudah has launched two sister campaigns related to the Siyum HaShas: Masmidei HaSiyum, which includes over 30,000 children from hundreds of schools in the global Siyum HaShas celebration, and Chavrei HaSiyum, which promotes commitment to Torah learning beyond Daf Yomi, through organized daily study and siyumim in other areas of Torah. To support these initiatives, we created campaign and fundraising materials that conveyed a compelling message to these distinct demographics, while remaining true to the broader Siyum HaShas campaign theme.