The Kosher Hive

Goodness Inside

The Situation

A new supermarket in the rapidly expanding Airmont community needed full-scale branding to establish itself as the go-to supermarket in the immediate area, and the weekly ‘worth-the-detour’ kosher food experience in the greater Monsey and Rockland area.

Our team envisioned this store not only as a top-of-the-line supermarket offering everything a kosher consumer could need, but as a hub of Jewish life itself. 

An immersive, happening, welcoming shopping experience that would make the vibrant cycle of Jewish life (Shabbos, Yomim Tovim, Simchos) come alive.

Our Take

Pulling inspiration from the ceaseless activity of the busy bee, we conceived The Kosher Hive. A supermarket offering “Goodness Inside”—lusciously red cherries, fresh olives, fluffy challah- all the extras that leave a sweet taste long after the shopping run is done.

Using artistic iconography, a bright color palette, and an adorable beekeeper mascot, we bought layers of life to the aisles of The Kosher Hive. 

Playful, illustrative iconography and warm messaging were used across various touchpoints- labels, interior design, bags, and boxes- for clear brand communication and to deliver a family-friendly vibe.