Let's Talk Business, Podcast

Defining SEO, Using SEO, and Growing with SEO: A Deep Dive Into Search Engine Optimization with Stephan Spencer

By , November 29, 2023

Your business can grow with SEO – but only if you do it right. On this episode of Let’s Talk Business, SEO expert and Netconcepts Founder Stephan Spencer joins Meny for a deep dive into Search Engine Optimization. Learn how to maximize SEO, what mistakes to avoid, and the ways to make your website SEO-friendly as well as beautiful and useful. Meny and Stephan also discuss the best ways to discover the keywords you need, the reasons that blogs (under a different name) are not going out of style, the importance of turning your audio and video clips into written transcripts, how to determine which firm is most fit to help you with SEO, and much more.

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Defining Seo, Using Seo, and Growing with Seo: A Deep Dive Into Search Engine Optimization with Stephan Spencer

Key Highlights:

[00:01 – 08:05] The Essence of SEO and Business Growth

  • SEO as a long-term asset
  • Differences between SEO and pay-per-click
  • The importance of SEO in building sustainable business growth


[08:06 – 16:28] Optimizing Web Presence

  • Strategies for effective web design and SEO integration
  • Balancing user experience with SEO requirements
  • The role of content in enhancing web visibility


[16:29 – 24:16] Evolution of Digital Marketing

  • Shifts in digital marketing strategies
  • Integration of SEO with social media and content marketing
  • The changing landscape of online business presence


[24:17 – 32:56] Selecting the Right SEO Partner

  • Criteria for choosing an SEO agency
  • The pitfalls of poor SEO strategies
  • The importance of results-driven SEO partnerships


[32:57 – 39:49] Closing Segment

  • Stephan’s spiritual awakening and its impact on his business approach
  • The intersection of personal development and professional success
  • Leveraging spirituality for better decision-making in business


Want to connect with Stephan? Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. Head to StephanSpencer and netconcepts to amplify your mission and message!


Key Quotes:


“SEO is building an asset that continues to pay dividends, unlike pay-per-click where you trade dollars for leads.” – Stephan Spencer


“Balancing the user experience with SEO requirements is not just an art; it’s a strategic necessity.” – Stephan Spencer


Connect with Ptex Group: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn


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About Stephan Spencer

Stephan Spencer is an SEO expert, founder of interactive agency Netconcepts, bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, life hacker, podcaster, and contributor to
Harvard Business Review and AdWeek. He has three books published by O’Reilly: The Art of SEO (just out in its 4th edition), Social eCommerce, and Google Power Search. He’s helped optimize websites of some of the biggest brands in the world, including Chanel, Volvo, Sony, and Zappos. Stephan hosts two podcast shows: Get Yourself Optimized and Marketing Speak.

Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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