Leadership, Let's Talk Business

Pursuing the Impossible: Of Flying Red Convertibles and Life on Mars

By , February 8, 2018

Forget about thinking out of the box. Try thinking out of the stratosphere.

A couple days ago, billionaire Elon Musk’s company SpaceX launched a rocket into space, the first time a rocket this powerful has been sent into space by a private company.

In a fun, creative twist, rather than the usual nondescript chunk of metal, the rocket carried Musk’s red Tesla convertible

. . . with a dummy wearing a SpaceX spacesuit strapped inside. 😉

Silly and fun, yes, but more importantly, a case study in pursuing the impossible. 

Musk is now one step closer to his goal of developing a rocket powerful enough to send people to Mars.

If this goal seems a little crazy, remember that a lot of things that seemed crazy even a few short decades ago are now taken for granted.

(An obvious example: super computers smaller than a deck of cards being carried around in millions of people’s pockets.)

Although at Ptex Group, we’re not planning on sending anyone to Mars, “creative thinking” is among our 7 core values.

Nothing great has ever been achieved by those afraid to question the status quo. 

Which is why we analyze every project to see how creativity and innovation can improve the bottom line.

“Creative thinking” doesn’t mean repeating tired cliches about “thinking big” or “getting out of our comfort zones.” It means exploding (no pun intended) your ideas of what is possible.

Nothing great has ever been achieved by those afraid to question the status quo. 


If you’re feeling like you’ve hit a status-quo plateau…

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Push the envelope. 
    Be daring, fearless, and unapologetic in your quest for new ideas and solutions. If you can’t dream it, you can’t achieve it.

2. Seek counsel.
Every roadblock you encounter in your business, someone else has probably already solved it. Seek counsel with someone who’s walked in your shoes. They’ll help you come up with creative solutions.

3. Overcome self-doubt.
When something seems too hard or impossible, a little imagination and grit go a long way. When we push the limits of our abilities and thinking, there are few problems that we can’t solve.

Next time you face a challenge, imagine Musk’s red convertible cruising around the sun, and push yourself to take the “im” out of “impossible”—so that it instead says, “I’m possible.”

Chava Shapiro

Chava is the Director of Content and Community at Ptex Group

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