Let's Talk Business

The Secret to Business Survival in a Post-COVID World

By , June 25, 2020

The secret to survival in a post-Covid business world is not necessarily what you think it is.

I’d venture to say that there’s no business in the world that has NOT been affected by COVID over the past three months.

Some for the better, some for the worse, but I don’t know a single business that’s the same right now as it was before weeks of stay-at-home orders and the tidal wave of social and economic fallout that came as a result.

It’s like someone hit Control+Alt+Delete on business (and life) as we know it, and now, it’s time to reboot: a fresh start. The good news? Businesses (and people) everywhere now have every excuse NOT to do things the way they were done before.

As I speak to people, including business owners, who are finally peeking their heads into the sunlight and entering the “new normal,” there are two universal changes that have jumped out at me.

1. They’re cutting expenses wherever humanly possible.

2. When they DO spend, they’re much more selective about where they invest their dollars—most notably, they won’t settle for anything less than exceptional client service.

Of course, offering value and good customer service have always been important. But now, it’s become life or death for a business. The companies that will succeed most in a post-COVID world are the ones who put every effort into making sure that their customers are getting the absolute best value for their money. This means that companies have to push themselves to think beyond the products and services they’re offering, beyond the transactional.

Now more than ever, delivering a good product or service is not enough. Businesses have to work harder on improving the entirety of the customer experience. Are they happy? Do they feel taken care of? Valued? Are they treated with respect?

There is no doubt in my mind that the businesses that focus on providing an above-and-beyond client experience will thrive in this new era.

If you need assistance with this, Ptex has an entire division dedicated to helping companies free up time and increase customer happiness dramatically by outsourcing their day-to-day customer service tasks to our trained Call Center team. If you’re interested, you can read more here.

If you’re considering outsourcing your customer service but you’re not sure if it’s the right move for your business, I’d be happy to discuss it with you. Please email me at mhoffman@ptexgroup.com and let me know if you’d like to hop on a call.

Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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