
Vicky Pearl’s Gluten Free Cook Book: Now Online and Hot Off the Presses

By , October 11, 2013

With 17 years of experience as a wellness consultant, Vicky Pearl understands the challenges that gluten-free, dairy-free and corn-free eaters face in the Kosher kitchen. A woman with a wealth of nutrition knowledge and a knack for whipping up delicious dishes, Vicky originally became attracted to the field because she personally suffered from allergies and was frustrated by the sparse options available to the gluten-free community.

Now a gluten-free culinary queen, Vicky was motivated to share her gourmet flavor-packed recipes with health conscious individuals who suffer with lactose or gluten intolerance, corn allergies, Celiac disease or simply want to live a healthier lifestyle without giving up delicious yet easy-to-make gourmet dishes. With her first cook book, “Gluten free Goes Gourmet,” published and ready to print, Vicky turned to Ptex.

We hope you’re ready to get your hands dirty with some made-with-love recipes! After working with Wolf Eisenbach and the Ptex printing team, the vibrant recipe book is hot off the presses and available for purchase.

Cookbook 8x10

Ptex was tasked with the exciting challenge of building Vicky’s brand and producing marketing materials that appealed to her broad target market. Where to begin? Ptex’s lead designer Asher Lowy started by designing her logo and color scheme, tailoring them reflect her clean, modern design aesthetic. Vicky couldn’t be happier with the “high-end, professional” look.

Vicky Pearl Logo

An instrumental part of the branding process was the creation of an engaging website, Gluten Free by Vicky Pearl, that would serve both as a sales funnel for Vicky’s cook book and as a platform for her new blog. Her objective? To produce a clean, easy-to-navigate and comprehensive professional site that she could easily manage on the backend when the site went live and she was given the reigns over content management.

Web specialist Joseph Hoffman took the lead on the project, designing the sitemap and implementing a robust website with an easy-to-use WordPress platform. One highlight of the well-organized site framework is the “recipe” section. Boasting various subcategories, the page draws in the readers with mouth-watering imagery. Sometimes gourmet food can speak for itself!


Joseph arranged for Vicky’s subscribers to get emails inviting them to check out her latest blog posts. The site also features a virtual demo of the cookbook, complete with a page flip function that allows users to “taste test” the cookbook before committing to purchase.

Joseph trained Vicky on WordPress, teaching her the ins and outs of how to produce blog posts, add content and make changes at her convenience. We’re excited to announce that the site launched in August and you can get your hands on her gluten-free cookbook at the click of a button.

Reflecting on her experience with Ptex, Vicky reached out to us:

“What impresses me as a whole is that Mr. Eisenbach oversaw the whole process and ensured that it went smoothly and efficiently. I really felt that I could rely on the Ptex team to get the job done on schedule or before deadline, and I knew it would be well-executed. When someone at Ptex gives you their word that they’ll handle a project, their word means something.

Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Eichler and Mr. Lowy were creative, professional and gave me exactly what I asked for. I would highly recommend them. With the printing, graphic design and web design projects, no detail went unnoticed and the quality of the work was high across the board. We’ve just started and we’re already getting fabulous feedback. Thank you!”

Indeed, a warm message of thanks from a culinary celebrity whose stunning website is now ranked as one of the hottest places to visit. Check it out: Gluten Free by Vicky Pearl.

Nathan Weill

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