
3 Great Examples Of How To Motivate Your Employees

By , August 2, 2012

Did you ever have writer’s block? I got hit with a really bad case of it yesterday.

You see, after sitting down to think of a good topic for this week’s Let’s Talk Business article, my mind came to a complete standstill and the ideas refused to budge. But instead of swigging back a bottle of Real Beanz or banging my head against the wall, I emailed some of my friends and associates, asking them what topic they would like me to write about.

And the responses quickly began to pour in.

While the topics varied from business questions to political opinions to current events, there was one topic that seemed to be most prevalent among both business owners and workers: “How to motivate your employees.”

After all, no matter how you set up your internal operations or deal with clients, it’s the actual work being done by your employees that will ultimately affect the success of your company. So without further ado, let’s discuss different techniques that can be implemented to motivate and uplift every one of your employees.

Keep in mind that the primary goal here is not just to inspire them. It’s to create a culture of happiness in the workplace. The point is to make employees feel needed, wanted and encouraged to act as a vital component of the company. Unlike previous articles,  I won’t just be telling you about motivational techniques that can be used – I’ll also be illustrating how we actually apply them here at Ptex Group. Here goes!

Empowering By Brainstorming

No matter what their job titles or duties are, employee always want a chance to voice their opinions and be a part of the company’s decision-making  process. That’s why Ptex Group often holds brainstorming sessions to discuss upcoming  projects. It shows how we truly value employee input, want to hear what they have to say and are genuinely empowering them to make a difference. In addition to generating new ideas and different perspectives, brainstorming sessions serve as a powerful  tool that promotes teamwork, brightens the workday and fosters a company culture that’s worth being proud of. Naturally, brainstorming sessions always start off better when there’s sushi and soda on the conference room table to fuel the brain. Pass the Pepsi, please.

Rewarding With Opportunities

While a paycheck will motivate employees to do good work, an extra bonus or prize opportunity can inspire them to do great work. There’s a reason why the New York Lottery sold over $2.9 billion in tickets this past year – and it’s the same reason why our employees enthusiastically take part in office contests: the promise of a bigger opportunity. Ptex Group holds periodic “Creative Spirit” contests primarily to encourage creativity and promote out-of-the-box thinking amongst our employees. In a company like ours, creativity is paramount, and employees feel a stronger sense of company loyalty knowing  that we go out of the way to foster it. Oh, and don’t forget about the prizes. Our contest awards include an Apple iPod (1st place), $100 Visa gift card (2nd place) and a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant (3rd place).

Showing More Appreciation

“Behind every great man, is a great woman,” goes the famous saying. That’s nice, but I’d prefer to tweak it as follows: “And behind every great employee, is a supporting family.” While employees do spend a large chunk of their day at the office, they also spend lots of time with their loved ones. And after a long day at work, it’s those loved ones who provide them with the support needed to go forward. So why not show some appreciation to the family? This year, Ptex Group sent out a Chanukah holiday mailing addressed to the family of each employee, with a warm letter thanking them for the year-round support they provide…and a gift certificate to a local toy store for both parents and kids to enjoy. Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Of course, these are only but a small sampling of the different techniques that can be used to motivate your employees, encourage them to reach higher levels of excellence and create a company culture that fosters immeasurable levels of loyalty. But these should prove to be a good start.

Over the next few weeks, I plan on creating a series of articles that will address the many timely topics that were emailed to me – all very important and all very much appreciated. So please stay tuned and look out for the next Let’s Talk Business in your inbox.


Onwards and upwards,

Many Hoffman


P.S. I’m still taking requests! If you want me to write about a specific topic that you feel is relevant, simply reply in the comments and I will add it to the list.




Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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