Business, Let's Talk Business

The Launch Pad™ At LTB: What’s The Hype All About?

By , May 28, 2013

It’s the highlight of the event. The show you’ve been waiting for. And you don’t want to miss it. LTB 2013 is proud to present The Launch Pad™.

The Launch Pad™ will be led by five wealthy investors who are looking to invest in that next big business idea. Each investor is ready to dish out $100,000 or more in cold-cash – $100,000 for each pitch, that is. Entrepreneurs, eager for seed money, will pitch their idea in front of our panel of investors.

It’s something that local entrepreneurs are scrambling to get involved with. They have nothing to lose and $100k to gain. They’ve got less than two weeks to get their act together. Twelve days to fine tune their sales pitch. And just one shot to obtain serious funding from this group of wealthy investors.

You’ll have front row seats to watch budding entrepreneurs – ordinary people like you – come forward and pitch their ideas and dreams. The lights are dimmed. The stage is set. Five investors. Each ready to put down at least $100,000 on the table per pitch. Ready to be invested. Can the entrepreneurs convince the investors to finance their dreams?

It’s a live reality show… and it’s something you don’t want to miss. We’re hyped! How about you? Click here to register as an attendee at LTB 2013 today. Want to come aboard as a potential entrepreneur and land a $100,000+ investment? Click here to submit your application now!

Nathan Weill

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