Business, Let's Talk Business


By , June 2, 2014

History was made last year with the launching of LTB 2013. Hailed as North America’s very first Jewish business conference, it made waves across the Jewish world and beyond. Its impact is still reverberating.

New ideas and business concepts were shared, powerful networking relationships were formed, lucrative financial investments were obtained, and for the over 500 committed businesspeople who came together to learn and grow, it was an event which absolutely changed the face of business.

In the aftermath of LTB 2013, it quickly became apparent that this platform would set the new standard for commerce in the community. Amidst an outpouring of enthusiastic messages of support and gratitude, the groundwork for LTB 2014 was laid with the goal of building upon the success of last year to guarantee a bigger, better and bolder experience.

…Which leads us to the debut of LTB 2014.

Masterminded by Meny Hoffman, the CEO of Ptex Group, LTB 2014 will be uniting entrepreneurs, business owners and employees dedicated to exploring the challenges and overcoming the complexities of everyday commerce.

If last year was an indicator of anything – with renowned keynote speakers like social media guru Gary Vaynerchuck and Scott Ginsberg of “The Nametag Guy” fame – this year’s lineup will aim to amaze, enlighten and impress.

We’ve spent the past few months working hard to coalesce the brightest corporate speakers who’ve presented for influential companies spanning a variety of industries – including AT&T, Chase Bank, IBM and Zappos. They’ll give LTB 2014 attendees a glimpse into the secrets of achieving business success.

Any guesses as to who our keynote speakers will be at this year’s value-packed event? We’re keeping our lips sealed for a few more days, but take our word: you’re in for a real treat. The wildly popular CEO Roundtable will also be returning along with The Launch Pad, now featuring a jaw-dropping $1 million investment threshold.

Last year, entrepreneurs pitched their bright ideas to wealthy investors at the The Launch Pad trading $100,000+ investments in exchange for a stake in their budding businesses. Modeled after the wildly popular reality series, “Shark Tank,” the panel of “Rocketeer” investors included none other than Kevin Harrington. More than just a celebrity “Shark” from Shark Tank, Kevin is an entrepreneur and business executive known for his work in the infomercial industry and founding of “As Seen On TV!”

We’ve upped the game this year, and you’ll be amazed to see who will be sitting live at The Launch Pad. You can expect bigger names, better deals and bolder investments. We dare you to pitch a brilliant idea of your own and attempt to land a $1 million investment – just click here to apply now.

There are a limited number of seats being sold (only 600 seats to be exact) and registration will be happening on a first-come-first-serve basis. Don’t miss your chance to be among the first to hear that registration is open.

By signing up for registration updates, you’ll also be getting the inside scoop on our premier lineup of speakers, roundtable executives, breakaway session topics, The Launch Pad judges and more… all from the cozy comfort of your office chair.

LTB 2014 awaits… click so you don’t miss out.



Rachel Segal

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  1. Event last year was so amazing
    Made some grt deals out if it
    Can’t even calculate the ROI of it

    Can’t wait to see who will speak this year