Business, Let's Talk Business

Keeping Business Hot When It’s Cold

By , February 24, 2014

It’s been a very long winter season, right?

Snow. Rain. Wind. Ice. Followed by more snow. The United States has experienced one of the most coldest, harshest winters in recent memory. An intense cold front – which meteorologists are calling the “Polar Vortex” – has sent icy an Arctic air jet streaming downwards into Canada, the USA, and even Northeastern Mexico.

But just because the weather is freezing doesn’t mean your business has to go the same route. Stores need to stay open; companies must produce real work; and the business marketplace will go on as usual, snow or no snow.

The analogy here is very relevant. If your business experiences a cold snap, don’t close up shop and blame the weather. Here are some timely Ptex Pointers you can use to keep your business hot, regardless of what the economic forecast calls for that day.

Review Is Required

Whether business is sizzling or things have started to cool down, constantly assess your marketing strategy. Is your brand effectively communicating with its customers? Are you reaching your target markets? Are there new trends in your industry to which your business has yet to adapt? As you evolve, so should your business.


Relevance Is Real

Make your brand meaningful and relevant. Think of new launches, events, communication methods, and products that can attract constructive media attention and inspire positive feelings. Brainstorm ideas to breathe life into your brand. Keeping things fresh is a surefire way to stay connected to your target audience.


Risk Is Relative

Could your newest idea or strategy fail? Sure. But never taking a risk will lead to one of two possibilities: 1) Failure.  2) Modest returns. Innovation naturally requires risk-taking, because when you try something new there are no guarantees. However, know that every success story began by taking a risk.

The ultimate forecast for success really doesn’t depend on the weather; it depends on you. Keep abreast of industry changes and the ever-changing marketplace. Create new ways to connect with clientele. And go the extra mile to make it exceptional.

And the best part of it all? These ideas work in all types of weather.

Onward and upward,

Meny Hoffman

P.S. Has your business ever experienced a cold snap? If yes, what steps did you take to snap out of it? I’d love to get the inside scoop. Feel free to shoot me an email at

Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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