Business, Let's Talk Business

The Best Of Everything: Reading About North Korea On My iPhone At LTB 2015

By , May 20, 2015

Did you hear? Apple is releasing the new iPhone 6S soon.


Hey. Did you read about Kim Jong Un’s latest rant against America?


Wow. They’re saying LTB 2015 is happening on July 8th.


Okay, you’ve got my attention.

Predictable headlines and banal captions are ideal for topics involving technology geeks camping outside Apple stores in flimsy tents and despotic dictators bent on fashioning nuclear bombs out of paper clips. But when it comes to describing a game-changing movement that has impacted so many lives and helped countless entrepreneurs from our community flourish? Now that’s worth an exclamation point or two.

You’ll be seeing many more posts from me in the near future, as I begin to wax poetic about the joys of LTB 2015 and get all Hemingwayesque on how this extraordinary platform has set the new standard for commerce in the Jewish community.

Just for the record: I plan on drafting my very first in-depth LTB 2015 post a little later today – right after I finish skimming through the rest of today’s tepid, lukewarm, calorie-free headlines. They’ll probably mention places like Cupertino or Pyongyang. But who knows? I might get lucky and find a headline talking about The Rockleigh of New Jersey.

Stay tuned.


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