Let's Talk Business, Podcast

Going for Stupid: Steve Sims and the Art of Moving From Ridicule to Reverence

By , September 19, 2022

Did you ever have a crazy idea that you thought just might be a big one but you never did anything about it because you didn't want people to laugh?

Did you ever have a crazy idea that you thought just might be a big one but you never did anything about it because you didn’t want people to laugh? This week, our guest is Steve Sims, the author of Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen and Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals which will be released on October 18. Called by Forbes Magazine, “The man with the world’s coolest job,” Steve has become famous for taking the craziest dreams of his celebrity clients and making them a reality.

In our conversation, we’re going to hear about some of his wildest adventures, and learn how the fear of ridicule can stop us from doing the things that might be the keys to our success. Steve also teaches us how to recognize when something stupid might actually be brilliant and how to approach business and personal goals with a curious mindset.

Listen and enjoy!

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Going for Stupid: Steve Sims and the Art of Moving From Ridicule to Reverence

Key Highlights:

[00:01 – 07:44] Opening Segment

• Steve shares his experience working with celebrities and high-profile clients

• The key asset to achieving success

  • Having a curious mindset when pursuing goals

• Check out The Art of Making Things Happen

[07:45 – 24:11] People Laugh at Your Goals to Keep You Down

• How different cultures can help or hinder a person’s ability to pursue their goals

  • Steve’s advice on how to manage these differences

• Going for stupid isn’t the same as being reckless

• Why entrepreneurs need to have goals that are both achievable and ridiculous to be successful

  • They should vision their goals and reverse engineer them down to the smallest steps necessary to make them a reality

• Stupid goals are those that are so far out of reach that they become impossible to achieve, but are still worth pursuing

[24:12 – 40:09] Change Your Process and Achieve Greater Success

• What has led to a canceled culture in which people no longer want to engage in conversations or projects

  • People are afraid of being laughed at

• Instead of laughing at those who make mistakes, we should challenge them and help them learn from their mistakes

• Don’t give yourself excuses for not changing; try different things to see what works

  • When you start doing things differently, your mind starts seeing opportunities that it may not have seen before

• The key to success is having a balance between your business and personal growth, and being true to your standards

[40:10 – 47:38] Closing Segment

• Steve on the rapid-fire questions

• Q&A: When do I know it’s time to quit?

Key Quotes:

“Do things that disrupt the way you live and your mind will start to accept and recognize alternatives.” – Steve Sims

“Most of society today wants to laugh at your goals to keep you down. But if you don’t go for stupid goals how are you gonna dare of achieving them.” – Steve Sims

Connect with Steve Sims

Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter. Visit his website, and make the impossible possible!

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About Steve Sims

Steve Sims is the author of Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen and Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals which will be released on October 18. Called by Forbes Magazine, “The man with the world’s coolest job,” Steve has become famous for taking the craziest dreams of his celebrity clients and making them a reality.


Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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