Let's Talk Business, Podcast

Joining the New Game of Selling (and the Financial Transportation Business) with Mitch Axelrod

By , July 3, 2023

Salespeople use so much of their time, money, and energy in trying to find new clients – and so many find that their efforts don’t work, or they fail to find the “hungry fish,” or they get the wrong kind of clients. Fortunately, Meny and entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, advisor, and best-selling author Mitch Axelrod have plenty of practical advice to turn things around, so listen in as they speak about maintaining your existing customers, knowing what questions to ask, radically shifting your self-image, and much more.

A 45-year entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, advisor, and #1 Wall St. Journal, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon best-selling author, Mitch has delivered 3,500 seminars, workshops, keynotes, webinars, executive briefings, and coaching clinics to more than a million people on business, entrepreneurship, sales, leadership, values, and life skills.

Listen and enjoy!

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Joining the New Game of Selling (and the Financial Transportation Business) with Mitch Axelrod


[00:01 – 08:12] Opening Segment

• How Mitch has helped generate over 3 billion in revenue for thousands of companies

• Introducing the New Game of Selling

  • Focusing on long-term relationships and the value of the second sale

• How can I serve you from the beginning?


[08:13 – 17:13] How to Identify and Attract Your Ideal Clients

• The key is to find the ‘hungry fish’ by asking your best customers why they do business with you

• Creating a unique service advantage (USA)

  • Focus on the customer’s destination rather than the product/service you are selling

• Shift context to understand where buyers are in their buying cycle and meet them there


[17:14 – 25:40] Unlock the Power of Lifetime Value

• How to shift your focus from new clients to existing ones

• Shift focus from closing a sale to establishing yourself as the trusted advisor

• Every person is a gold mine with referrals, testimonials, endorsements, introductions, networking, and joint venturing

• When a client favors you with their business, ask them why they chose you and drill down deeply into that conversation


[25:41 – 34:25] How to Build Strategic Business Relationships

• Why it is important to build relationships with customers before and after the sale

• Stimulus-response is an important concept to understand when engaging with customers

• Provide resources, results, and relationships to add value

• Maximize the deal instead of compromising


[34:26 – 45:16] Closing Segment

• Focus on the business relationship and what the other party will get out of it

• Mitch on the rapid four questions


Key Quotes:

“My model was always backward. It was like, how can I serve you? From the beginning. So the context of the conversation was never about me. My product, my service, it was all about your destination.” – Mitch Axelrod

“I believe every one of us, whatever product, service issue or cause we represent, we are in the transportation business, and we are in the transformation business.” – Mitch Axelrod


Want to connect with Mitch? Follow him on Facebook & YouTube. Head to the New Game of Selling to learn more about his work!


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About Mitch Axelrod

An entrepreneur, speaker, trainer, advisor and #1 best-selling author, Mitch Axelrod has delivered 3,500 seminars, workshops, keynotes, webinars, executive briefings and coaching clinics to more than a million people on business, entrepreneurship, sales, leadership, values and life skills. He has helped generate $3 billion of revenue for thousands of companies, and has been featured on dozens of media outlets. In 2020 Mitch suffered a stroke and brain aneurysm that left him paralyzed on his right side. His inspirational story of resilience, rebound and recovery has been written about in books and featured on TV shows. This season of the podcast is sponsored by:

Meny Hoffman

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