Let's Talk Business, Podcast

Saving Lives in 90 Seconds, with United Hatzalah of Israel’s Eli Beer

By , May 22, 2023

If you have an idea of how to make an existing system much better and more efficient, but the people who run the system slam the door in your face, how can you manage to implement your ideas despite their resistance?

In this episode of the Let’s Talk Business Podcast, Eli Beer, the President and Founder of United Hatzalah of Israel, talks to Meny about the origins of his massive organization, why he needed to find a way around existing ambulance services, the reason that he chose not to be the CEO of his own organization, how he was able to grow United Hatzalah into the powerhouse that it is today, the proper way to retain volunteers, and much more. Don’t miss this inspiring, illuminating, and surprising conversation.

Eli Beer is the President and Founder of United Hatzalah of Israel – an independent, non-profit, fully-volunteer emergency medical services organization that provides fast and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. Eli has been awarded numerous prizes and acknowledgments across the globe for innovative and lifesaving work.

Listen and enjoy!

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Saving Lives in 90 Seconds, with United Hatzalah of Israel’s Eli Beer

[00:01 – 07:34] Opening Segment

• Eli shares how he ended up creating the United Hatzalah of Israel

  • An independent nonprofit providing fast and free emergency medical first response

• How Eli had an idea to make an existing system more efficient but was met with resistance

  • Being inspired by a bomb attack he experienced as a young boy

[07:35 – 15:00] The Story of United Hatzalah

• The idea to respond to emergency calls with volunteers and motorcycles

  • How Eli built an underground emergency command center

• Volunteers are motivated by the satisfaction of saving someone rather than money

• The organization has responded to almost 6 million emergencies since it started

[15:01 – 22:14] Achieving a 90-Second Response Time

• The vision, challenges, and rewards of United Hatzalah

• United Hatzalah uses random people who want to be trained as volunteers

• Why CEOs should have an expiration date

• Run the organization like a sustainable business

[22:15 – 29:39] Treating Donors and Volunteers with Respect

• Treating donors and volunteers the same is vital to success

• Volunteers are obligated to respond to a minimum amount of emergency calls

• Donors get financial and operational transparency

• Leaders need to show compassion and empathy when dealing with traumatic situations

[29:40 – 36:48] The Incredible Story of United Hu Sela and its 600 Volunteers

• Volunteers go through treatments for emotional trauma

• Selling donations as a way to learn sales skills

  • Eli’s journey of lifesaving and inspiration

• Everyone should be involved in doing good in the world

[36:49 – 46:36] Closing Segment

• Overnight successes are often years in the making

• Why Eli realized he wanted United Hatzalah to be less dependent on him

• Eli on the apid for questions


Key Quotes:


 “If you want to really be successful in your life, go work in a non-for-profit for a few years before you start a business.” – Eli Beer

Once you have a volunteer, the more work you give that volunteer, the more committed they are.” – Eli Beer

Sometimes you see a story, or you see the end of the story, and you don’t realize that every overnight success is years in the making.” – Eli Beer


Want to connect with Eli? Follow him on Instagram and Facebook. Visit his website and check out 90 Seconds: The Epic Story of Eli Beer and United Hatzalah!


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About Eli Beer

Eli Beer is a social entrepreneur and the President and Founder of United Hatzalah of Israel – an independent, non-profit, fully-volunteer emergency medical services organization that provides fast and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. United Hatzalah represents the partnership of Jewish, Muslim, Druze and Christian volunteers from all religious spectrums working together in order to save lives. Eli has been awarded numerous prizes and acknowledgments across the globe for innovative and lifesaving work.

This season of the podcast is sponsored by:

Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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