
The Secret to Keeping Your Top Talent Happy

By , July 3, 2014

If you can leave the office without feeling like the ship will sink or burn down without you, then your company’s in pretty good shape.

No matter how innovative you are or how many hours you clock, you can’t build a thriving business on your own.

Businesses are founded by individuals, but built by teams.

Ironically, when you have a team you can count on to get the job done, that’s precisely when you need to watch out. Your best employees might be on the lookout for bigger and better opportunities.

Here’s a word to the wise: Don’t develop a false sense of security. Your employees’ performance may be thriving, but that doesn’t mean they plan to stick around long-term.

You might offer shiny compensation packages and perks, but at the end of the day, money can’t buy you love or guarantee the loyalty of your employees.

So, how can you keep your top talent happy?

Things like good communication, a positive work environment and non-toxic managers help keep employees happy. But the real secret to holding on to your employees long-term is nurturing their growth potential.

It makes no difference whether you’re dealing with entry-level staff or upper-level management — most employees want to do great work, grow their skills and reach their potential.

No-one worth their salt is going to stick around while you do everything important or exciting yourself.  Give your people the opportunity to do great work, and it will pay off.

They’ll be more invested in seeing their projects succeed. And you won’t have to spend limited time and resources training a steady stream of new staff. A high turnover rate is no advantage to your business.

One way to keep your team engaged and motivated is professional development. You can bring in speakers for power-lunch sessions on sales and marketing strategies that will energize them when they return to business as usual.

Ready to invest in your team? Kick things off by bringing them to LTB 2014.

One day – July 8, 2014.

One place – The luxurious Rockleigh in New Jersey.

One purpose: Unleashing opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Internationally renowned inspirational speakers  like Gerry O’Brion and Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman will impress with stories and strategies that can dramatically change the way you think about doing business.

The nation’s premier business summit, attending LTB 2014 is a no-brainer for business owners. But if you really want to take full advantage, bring a few members of your team along.

Invest in the people who can help you realize your business dreams, and they might just stick around long enough to help you achieve them.

Click here to register for LTB 2014 today.

Rachel Segal

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