Let's Talk Business, Marketing

Selling on Amazon? 6 Reasons You Can’t Ignore Building Your Brand.

By , May 31, 2018

If you’re a small brand looking for big sales and long-term growth in the unpredictable yet highly profitable Amazon ecosystem, now’s the time to leverage Amazon’s platform to build your brand.

Maybe you’ve just started selling on Amazon. Maybe you’re already an established seller with great sales. Either way, one thing is certain: If you want enduring success in the ever-changing world of Amazon, you can’t ignore the importance of having a strong brand.

Ask the sellers who have seen the most consistent, reliable growth on Amazon how they achieved so much success long term. They’ll likely tell you that optimizing their listings, using the right keywords, and hiring a listing expert got them to the top, but it was their brand that helped them stay there.

Because once you’ve done all you can to maneuver Amazon’s algorithms, and to manipulate who sees your product, when, and how often, one fact remains:

Products don’t sell. Brands do.

When people form real relationships with your brand and connect logically and emotionally to what you’re offering, they’re bound to stay with you for the long haul.

And that loyalty is what successful brands are made of. It’s precisely what distinguishes successful companies from all those competing for the same customers.

Once you have a brand and not just a product, the opportunity you have to compete with large, established brands is staggering. The data shows that:

– 80% of shoppers use Amazon to discover new products or brands, and
– 53.4% of shoppers are more willing to buy a brand they’re not familiar with on Amazon than they would be on any other store.

That means that if you’re a small brand looking for big sales and long-term growth in the unpredictable yet highly profitable Amazon ecosystem, now’s the time to leverage Amazon’s platform to build your brand. The best part? You won’t need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing to do it.

Wondering exactly how a brand will help you reach your goals?

Here are 6 reasons you can’t ignore building your brand on Amazon:

1. A strong brand allows YOU to control buyer perception.
Your business isn’t what you say it is—it’s what they say it is. Without a strong brand, people will have misconceptions about who you are, what you represent, and the unique benefit your products offer them. But a clearly defined brand identity ensures you’re seen the way YOU want to be.

2. You can charge a premium.
Weak brands are, more often than not, engaged in price wars they can never really win. They’re competing on pennies, yet they’re losing dollars. With a strong brand, your perceived value will be higher, which means you can charge more for your products. Give customers a great experience, and you beat the competition—at any price.

3. You’ll attract more of the right customers.
As the playing field becomes more saturated with savvier, flashier competitors, those without strong brands increasingly struggle to get new customers in the door. But successful brands understand that customers buy products based on emotion, not just logic. Arm yourself with a powerful identity that resonates with your target audience—and you’ll turn them into buyers.

4. You’ll stick like glue in their minds.
In a deafeningly noisy marketplace, weak brands lack that X-factor necessary to make a lasting, memorable first impression on their customers. A strong, consistent brand is the key to building recognition, awareness, and memorability, so you’ll be at the top of their mind next time they need your product.

5. You’ll build loyalty—and profits to match.
Without a strong brand, you need to constantly spend money on marketing to get new customers. Your rising customer acquisition costs are likely hurting not just your margins but your long-term growth. Remember: Loyal customers are by far your most profitable. A brand helps you earn your customers’ trust, so they keep coming back.

6. You’ll gain independence and opportunities for growth.
You know that leaving your business’s success in the hands of a third party is stunting your growth—and leaving your business vulnerable. But with a strong, healthy brand, you don’t need to be dependent on an overcrowded third-party platform to put you in front of the consumer. You can build a thriving business and customer base on your terms

The Bottom Line?

If you want to build a booming brand on Amazon, a shift in perspective is necessary.

Rather than considering yourself an Amazon seller, consider yourself a brand, and Amazon as your primary distribution channel. As a brand, every touchpoint with your customers—rather than being just a necessary step in the sale—is another opportunity to communicate your brand message and your brand story, another opportunity to make your customers feel more connected and loyal to your brand.

When you focus on building your brand the right way, you can be sure that you’ll not only grow your sales in the short term, but you’ll be setting up your business to win big far into the future.

Want to learn how to implement some of these branding techniques into your current Amazon business? Check out my free guide, 7 Simple Ways to Build Your Product Brand on Amazon.

Click here download. I’d love to hear what you think.

Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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