Founder of The Art of Beliefology, Brad Blazar, shares how one simple habit can become a catalyst to a transformation towards a better you.
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The Art of Beliefology: Transformation to a New You—with Brad Blazar
Brad, thank you so much for joining me.
You’re welcome, Meny. I’m glad to be here.
I got to learn more about you from Daniel Gefen, which we both know. He was interviewed for our show. He’s a great guy. He has much to offer. Since he told me about you, I looked into the books you authored and ultimately about your experience. I felt that you would have a lot to share for our audience and give them no-nonsense advice.
Thank you so much for having me. I certainly look forward to sharing my knowledge and what I know about sales and closing with your followers.
As an opening, bring us back a little bit. You have a long history. Give our readers a little bit of a glimpse into your life.
[bctt tweet=”The purpose of any business is to create a customer. ” username=””]
My life is very interesting. When most people in their early twenties were graduating from school and going off and getting their first jobs, I was catapulted into the oil and gas industry as the Founder and CEO of the company that I started. In my early twenties, I was building a business. We grew that company over about a decade to an oil and gas exploration company that was raising millions of dollars a month from investors all across the country, drilling for oil and natural gas in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana. At the peak, we had probably close to 30 employees on our payroll. In the late 1980s, due to two things, the Tax Reform Act of 1987 and collapsing oil prices, I had to make one of the most difficult decisions I’ve probably ever been faced with. That was do I put a lot of money back into the company trying to keep it afloat without any sight or knowledge as to what the future held? Do I slowly over time collapse it and dissolve it and go on to bigger and better things in my life?
I chose the latter and then went back to school because I had dropped out to start the business. I completed my education and then came out and did something many that most individuals never do. I looked at myself introvertedly and I asked myself this question, “What is my hard skill? What is the one thing that Brad Blazer is good at that other people would be willing to pay me a lot of money for?” What I realized is that my hard skill was I was great at sales and I was great at raising a lot of money. From that point forward, I’ve raised $2 billion for other people. I made a wonderful career of that in months, earning commissions where that alone exceeds what many people make in a year. Coach and consult many business owners and entrepreneurs around the globe. My book, On the Wings of Eagles: Learning to Soar, was rated as a number one top read for young entrepreneurs.
Let’s start there because there’s not a single business that is exempt from sales, one way or the other. It starts and ends there and so on. There’s a study that I saw, which is most organizations large or small, when you look at their sales team and the sales organization, there’s 10% that are on top and 10%, which is totally in the bottom. They should probably go. Eighty percent are average salespeople. You look back at sales yourself and also how you coached other businesses in the sales, being a sales trainer, what would you say? What is the differentiator between those three categories of people?
The purpose of any business is to create a customer. Every day you either take action towards creating a customer, toward your sales goal or take actions that are not moving you forward in creating a customer and your sales goal. I like to separate those into two categories, which I call High-Value Activities. These are specific and intentional activities that are in alignment with the highest use of your time towards creating customers and generating new revenue for your business. There’s also Low-Value Activity. Specifically, that’s not in alignment with the highest and best use of your time and it does not generate new revenue or move you forward.
Unfortunately, lots of salespeople spend lots of time in inactivity, but it’s a low-value activity. Combined with the fact that many salespeople never ask for the close. Separate those that excel and those that are top performers and those that are not. I’ve coined a phrase to explain to salespeople that they have to stop selling the flirt and stop being polite. They need to understand that there is a proper and right time to ask for the sale and create that tension with the prospect so that they’re constantly moving people forward to the ultimate goal of closure, hopefully converting a prospect to a customer.
Would you say that those people that didn’t figure this out, is it fear and getting in the way so they are afraid of asking because maybe that person will say no?
Certainly, that’s a big element of it. It’s the fear of the unknown. It’s not having the conviction or the belief, perhaps also in your product and service. It’s the fact that most of us in society have been trained to be polite and cordial. We don’t know how to overcome the objections and how to ask those probing questions to isolate the objection so we can get to the point and then hopefully move the process further from that point forward.
I’ve spoken to many salespeople in the past. Is being a good salesperson something you could learn or it’s a born gift?
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It’s both. There are certain people that have what I call that beast mentality or that prey drive. Prey drive is defined as the ability to optically see something and then go after it. It’s prevalent in dogs and larger cats like lions and tigers. Prey drive needs to be developed in salespeople. It’s something that can be developed, but it’s not found in most salespeople. When I look at salespeople, I feel there are four big missing structures for most people around the world. Number one, most salespeople don’t have what I call a world-class explanation of services that differentiates them from other people and uses the natural Law of Attraction to attract business to them. Number two is, they don’t have a coordinated in a systematic attack on generating new leads. They’re constantly cold calling and this leaves them floundering daily on how to get a new customer. The other one is they don’t have what I call a $1 million follow-up.
Studies have shown that it takes an average of 7 to 15 touches to take a prospect to a customer. Of course lastly, Meny, most people never asked for referrals. We have found in our business here at Learn to Soar that each customer is worth an average of 5.7 referrals. It’s unfortunate and sad to see that many entrepreneurs and business owners don’t develop that. When I go out and I consult business owners, I say, “There are probably five missing structures in your business. Would you agree that if we zeroed in on 1 or 2 and fix those things in your existing business that we could probably see a lift of anywhere from 25% to 40%?” Unanimously, almost everybody says, “I know there are areas that we’re not excelling on and that’s where I need your help.”
My question is, why when a business owner understands that everything starts and stops at the sales? Why are companies not spending the proper effort and structuring the salespeople and also giving them the ammunition on those key areas that you mentioned?
It comes down to one thing. I believe that it’s better to be on the outside of the frame looking in than it is to be on the inside of the frame looking out. Many business owners are tied closely to their business. They’re dealing with all of the things that are happening on an ongoing daily basis. They don’t see those things. It’s analogous to living in a home and not seeing certain things that somebody is coming into that home if the house were put up for sale, simply because you’re accustomed to seeing them every day. You’re putting up with those things. When I sit down and I consult with business owners and entrepreneurs, I look at as an example of what I call their selling systems. I say, “Do you have dedicated hours of the day that you have blocked out or your sales team is doing absolutely nothing but getting on the phone for a blocked out period, making outbound proactive calls to people that have expressed an interest in your goods and services?”
Invariably for most businesses, the answer is no. They tell me, “No. Our salespeople get on the phone throughout the day and provide outreach.” I say, “There’s an area right there that we could fix.” In my business here, Learn to Soar. We have blocks of time throughout the day where my people are simply on the phone banging out calls. At the end of the day, they’ve reached out to the 50, 60 or more people that have expressed interest in our goods and services. That’s what you have to do. It gets back to those missing structures as I call them.
It reminds me that salespeople are also similar to entrepreneurs in general, where they’re looking for the next shiny object. In their cases, maybe potential leads. It reminds me of a conversation that I had with a woman named Wendy Weiss. She is called the Queen of Cold Calling. She said something true that stuck with me and I repeated it so many times since. She speaks about cold calling and then she calls it introductory calling. She said, “We’re used to, in our society that’s it’s either ice cream. Either you hate it or you love it.” Everything in life is either you have an opinion. When it comes to business, certain things maybe you don’t love it, but the opposite is not hating it. It’s a business process. You got to do it. The same as with follow up. I see sometimes with salespeople, they would rather speak to this potential lead that’s calling in and share everything we do instead of doing an hour follow-up because it’s not as exciting.
The way I look at it, let’s face it, everybody wants the six-pack abs, but few people want to go to the gym. Few people are willing to put in the effort that it truly takes to be hugely successful. I have a saying that “Everybody wants to eat, but few people are willing to hunt.” There are, as I look at society, three different types of people. There are the Blamers that blame their lack of success on other people. “My boss didn’t give me the tools I needed to be successful.” There are the Dreamers, and as Mark Cuban says, “Those are the people that are the difference between the wantrepreneurs and the entrepreneurs.” They’re constantly dreaming big, but they fail to take action. The last group was what I call the Game Changers. These are the people that are the movers and shakers that take action on their dreams and goals, set things in motion and make things happen.
You have to understand that for anything in life to be big and be huge, you have to back it with action. The big problem with many salespeople is they become complacent. They start making a decent living. They’ve got a nice house and they’ve got a nice home. They’re comfortable and they don’t realize that there is much more out there for them with a little bit of harder work. It’s what I call a little bit extra. Maybe you stay an extra hour or maybe you put in an extra 5 to 10 calls a day. Maybe you start taking classes on perfecting your sales skills and your closing techniques. It’s always asking yourself, “How can I create a better version of myself and what can I do to improve?” The other thing is getting back and asking for the close, having conviction in your services and stop selling the flirt. I remember when I was in the oil business, I had a prospect that was a wealthy doctor that for whatever reason, would not invest. He came out to see us, flew out on his jet. I knew he had the money.
[bctt tweet=”Everybody wants to eat but very few people are willing to hunt, to put in the effort that it truly takes to be hugely successful. ” username=””]
There’s risk in drilling a dry hole. Finally, one night as I was talking to the guy and I said, “Dr. Schnack, it takes two things to invest in an oil well.” He said, “What?” I said, “It takes big balls and lots of money. Which of the two you don’t have?” When I said that, I bit my tongue as a kid in my late twenties, but in sales you quickly realize the first person to speak tends to lose. After what seemed an eternity, he said, “Tell me again how many three units in your drilling program costs?” I said, “Do me a favor, go get your checkbook and I’ll tell you how to fill it out.” He became one of our biggest and best advocates and investors. Sometimes you have to create what I call tension. Challenge the other person that’s on the phone. Is it work all the time? No, but I had so much conviction of what we were doing and I knew at that point he’s either going to close or he’s not in. I have nothing to lose. I somewhat challenged him and created that tension to move the process forward and it certainly did.
This is a great understanding that pauses and understands where you could improve your sales system. What would you say if somebody wants to make some progress and take out something out of this and say, “I want to change a little bit?” Where would you tell them that they should look at the first thing to do to improve?
I’d say the first thing to do is go online and Google sales techniques, closing skills, one-liner, and practice those so that they come out of you naturally. You need to develop what I call a couple of one-liners and understand that when you get an objection, it’s not a bad thing. It’s good, but 90% of the time, it’s not the true objection. You have to understand how to isolate that. Push it aside and getting to the heart of the matter. Many salespeople are never properly trained. I firmly believe that anybody can become a gifted and talented sales professional. The selling profession is one of the most highly compensated professions on the planet. If you’re good at it, but you’re never going to get good and great if you don’t study the habits of other tremendous salespeople and take the time to develop yourself.
Number one is you want to read, study and you want to memorize those sales lines, the one-liners. You want to practice them. Number two, surround yourself in the company you’re with. If you’re in a company with other salespeople, with the number one or number two people, we all know that you tend to gravitate to the five people that you spend most of your time too. Start hanging out with the top sales professionals. Lastly, one of the things that I did early in my career, which added tremendously to my competence is I enrolled myself in things like Toastmasters. It’s to perfect my communication skills and my public speaking skills because so much of what we do is on the phone. It’s communication skills and I would certainly encourage anybody to look and things like that as well.
Let’s dive into another area that I wanted to discuss with you. I love that you’re a huge advocate for the idea that if you change your belief, you change your future. You coined the phrase beliefology. Share with us how you relate this concept to business development.
The phrase, The Art of Beliefology, which is a trademark is the concept that if you change your beliefs and your habits, you can create a brighter and more compelling future for yourself. The life you live now doesn’t have to be the life you’re living in the future. In business, I feel largely the same way. The problem is that people understand that and they agree. “Yes. I believe that too, Brad. I understand what you’re saying.” The challenge for most people is that beliefs become reinforced. The way they become reinforced is through the creation of new habits. Overtime creates muscle memory so that when you do that new habit over and over again, it essentially creates a new lifestyle. That defines the new person you’re becoming and the new person you’re developing or transforming to.
When I talk to people, I explain to them, “When you look at yourself in the mirror every day, and I believe strongly in positive affirmations, the words that follow the words I am will describe you.” Be careful in the words that you use to describe yourself. I’ll give you an example. I’ve got a coaching client that was obesely overweight and he wanted to lose about 80 pounds. We started the process of coaching him, getting him to walk, slowly getting him to start jogging, eating nutritiously. After losing roughly 50 pounds, he said, “Brad, I remember what you told me about the affirmations and looking in the mirrors.”
He said, “For the first time, I saw an athlete looking back at me.” I said, “Congratulations. That’s a new phrase that I haven’t heard from a guy like you.” Now that you think of yourself as an athlete, you need to start asking yourself, “What are the habits of athletes? What do athletes do on a daily basis that’s different than what you’ve done for the last fifteen years?” Once he understood that, I said, “I have no doubt in my mind that you will lose the additional weight. You see yourself as a new person and you’re going forward as a new individual with the title athlete that defines you in your belief system.” It’s the same with business and entrepreneurs. You have to understand the journey of an entrepreneur is a lonely one.
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When I started my business, I was all by myself. People around me probably say, “Let’s give Brad three months. He’ll come calling back on his hands and knees.” I remember the time that I drove home during the holidays in my Porsche. My brother came running out the door yelling to my dad, “Dad, you got to come to see this. Brad’s got a new Porsche.” I went from being the college dropout, the black sheep in the family to, “This is our son, the CEO of an oil company.” It was at the time that J.R. Ewing in the TV show Dallas was the biggest thing on the air. It was a wonderful time, but I always had that vision and that dream. That’s what allowed me to consistently go day in and day out with the long hours and the struggles of doing whatever it took to make that dream a reality.
I want to ask you about it because if you look back in your history, you had to pivot many times within your career. What advice would you give somebody reading this to say, “Is it time for me to pivot in my career? Is it the right time?” What are the things that a person has to feel out or be in what situations they need to be and to feel, “This is not working for me? I need to move on. How could I get to that next level?”
The first thing that I want your readers and followers to know is, it is okay to fail. All I talked about to my coaching clients is the subject of failure, the beliefs and the things that you associate with that failure and how you approach that. Hopefully, you learn from that failure so that you can move forward. Many people know the story of Colonel Sanders, Kentucky Fried Chicken, where he went out over a thousand times and was told no time and time again before he ultimately had success. The thing that you have to understand is that when you’re in business and you’re an entrepreneur. If there are things that are completely absolutely no control of, which was the case when I was in business with my oil company, it’s sometimes best to throw in your chips and move on because you cannot control the outcome.
I had no idea how long oil prices were going to remain depressed. It costs roughly $11 a barrel at the time to produce. You could only sell the commodity for $9. I quickly figured out that it wasn’t a good business model combined with the tax laws, which changed. If you’re in business and you’re getting by and you’re doing things, always be looking at the things that are working. What I say is go long and hard in that direction and replicate what’s working because that’s what’s ultimately going to scale you to success. Start getting rid of the things that you’re doing that are not successful or that are floundering. In business, you always have to look at numbers. You always have to be assessing what you’re doing. You have to realize that yes, sometimes you do have to toss in the chips and make a change and go do something else.
I tell people that’s when the things that you’re doing are not working and to some degree, are out of your control. The other thing that I’ll tell you as well as if you’re not having the success you’re looking for, surround yourself with coaches, trainers, and mentors that can once again, look at your business from the outside. Maybe you’re missing something that with a little bit of coaching or training or input from somebody on the outside looking in, it’s the 1 or 2 things you need to turn things around and restructure the business or take it to a whole new level. Sometimes business owners are closely tied to the day-to-day management that they’re not able to see the big picture.
I would add that sometimes your business is working, but it might not work for you. You’re not feeling fulfilled, you’re not feeling passionate and you feel your skills are not being utilized properly. That could also be a factor. You’ve met and learned from influential people such as former President George W. Bush. You’ve met Kevin O’Leary from the Shark Tank, to name a couple of them. How much would you say as you would develop your personal life, your skillset, your mindset, how you want to grow, how much has that been a part of your success learning from those people?
It’s been a huge part of my success and a huge part of the transformation that’s taken place in my personal life. For a good period, I was the happy, complacent guy who had a nice career, making a nice, wonderful income, traveling to exotic locations, staying at the nicest hotels. I won’t say that I snapped for a lot of people. They say there was a point in my life when I snapped and I said, “I can’t live like this.” That’s what catapults them to greatness. For me, it was a journey in self-development. Many years ago, I had started the book and I cast it aside. I had never finished it because life took a turn. I had a beautiful daughter and that consumed me for many years as a new father.
One day I was sitting in my office looking at the notes and looking at the outline and I said, “I need to finish that product.” I started the project again. We came out with the book. That in and of itself has catapulted to me to where I’ve been a global following. I’ve been interviewed on multiple radio stations, TV. The book was rated as one of the top reads for young entrepreneurs. Speaking on stages all across the country, starting the coaching business and the community. If you told me that a few years ago, I would have laughed at you, I have a new vision, a new goal and a new purpose in life.
[bctt tweet=”The words that follow the words “I am” will describe you so be very careful in the words that you use to describe yourself. ” username=””]
The interactions I’ve had with these people like Kevin O’Leary, Rudy Ruettiger, George W. Bush, Joe Namath and others have driven me because I realize the messages I’ve taken from those individuals, I have cashed into my own life. One of the things that I’d become good at is number one, time management. It’s also learning to say no. As an entrepreneur, one of the things that you have to understand is that it’s okay to say no. More importantly, you also need to essentially replicate yourself. You need to understand, as the business owner or as the CEO, you need to be spending the bulk of your time on high-value activity and delegate and outsource the low-value activities to other people that you can either hire as W2’s or contractors or outsource.
That’s how I’ve structured my business with my team. That’s how I recommend for my coaching clients that they also look at their time and strategize and block out theirs. The biggest message that I’ve taken from all of these great thought leaders is dream big as if there were no obstacles in your way. Look at the habits of people that have achieved those things that you’re wanting to attain in life and slowly start chipping away and doing them repeatedly. By doing that, I’ve reached a level of success that I never thought I would attain. That’s how I recommend other people approach their life as well.
Your book, On the Wings of Eagles: Learning to Soar in Life, you focus on many of the key lessons you learned from those successful people. What would you say those good leaders have in common?
There’s a whole chapter in the book called Commit Like a Pig. The concept of commit like a pig, as we all know, is that pigs provide bacon and pork. In the process of doing so, they lose their life because they end up getting slaughtered. They are committed to the process. A hen on the other end, which lays eggs is only casually involved because the hand is not slaughtered in the process of delivering eggs. If you’re going to go after something and you’re going to be truly committed, I tell people, “Commit like a pig.” You want it to be committed where there’s no turning back. When I met Joe Namath and interacted with him, he shares a story where he and a couple of the other players were walking around the perimeter of the field before one of the games.
It was coach Bryant that looked over to him and said, “Joe, you got to play on for tonight’s game?” Joe said, “Yes, I think so.” Coach Bryant yelled out at the top of his lungs right into Joe’s face. “You think so? There isn’t nothing you either know so or you don’t.” Joe quickly realized from that point forward, he needed to go into every game with a plan of action knowing exactly who he was going to throw, knowing the weaknesses in the defense of line. He became a student of the opposition. Every time they went into a game, he had a plan rather than showing up thinking so. One of the big messages that I’ve taken is to sit down with your goals and create a plan. When people ask me, “Brad, what do you do for a living?” I tell them, “I work with people as a lifestyle architect and I teach people how to become the architects of their own life and design a life of purpose in a life of desire and more importantly a life that serves them rather than one that runs their life day-to-day.”
Many people, as we know, are on that treadmill of life. They wake up at 7:00, go to work at 8:00 to 5:00., come home, spend a few hours with their family, then the next day they push repeat. That’s not a life that I want to live. I know it’s not a life that most people want to live. The big question is, how do you design that life to create wealth? A lot of it is understanding. You have to look at things, creating multiple streams of income, investing in things like real estate, rental properties. As you mature and grow, you can hopefully get to a point where you have more freedom in life and more flexibility. Largely been my purpose is to share some of these messages with other people, teach them the habits that I’ve been able to pick up from some of these interactions, but also more importantly is implement them in my own life.
I love the line, “A lot of people work the week looking forward to the two-day vacation at the end of the week.”
You get to Friday morning and you’re like, “Thank God it’s Friday. I can go on vacation. I can drink my beers and eat my chicken wings.” The thing that I’ve learned is successful people look at weekends differently. I’ve started to do that myself. Yes, I look at the weekend as a time to restore. I work hard and I push hard during the week that the weekend for me is a time to restore. I do take Saturdays off to spend with my daughter and my wife and relax. Sunday afternoon, around 2:00 or 3:00, I go back into what I call planning mode. I don’t spend a lot of time, but successful people plan for success so that when they show up Monday morning, they have a plan.
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They know who they’ve got to reach out to. They know what big events they have for the week. They know what people they want to reach out to the plan retreats or collaborate. Successful people don’t show up on Monday morning because if you do that, you’re living your life on the defensive. I believe that successful people and more importantly, those people that I coach want to live a life on the offensive and always be pushing for more. What can I be doing? How can I plan? I believe what Sunday afternoons or early Sunday evening should be. Successful people don’t look at the weekends as a time to escape. They look at the weekends as a time to restore and plan for continued success.
You have a book coming out. Can you tell us more about it?
Yeah, absolutely. The new book is called The Blueprint for Your Better Self. The Blueprint for Your Better Self picks up where the first book On the Wings of Eagles: Learn to Soar in Life lets off. The first book establishes the concept, The Art of Beliefology and also shares the messages of these highly successful people that I’ve interacted with throughout my life. The Blueprint for Your Better Self is the how-to book. It’s how do you break these limiting beliefs and how do you turn around this self-doubt so that you can have greater success in your life? It’s understanding things like positive affirmations or that your mind is like a garden. It’s either has weeds or it has towering Oaks. The Blueprint for Your Better Self is what I call the tool. It’s the recipe of how you become the architect of a new lifestyle and it gives the readers the tools and tidbits and exactly how to do that.
I look forward to reading. Brad, let’s close with four rapid-fire questions. Number one, a book to change your life?
One of the books that changed my life was a book by Jack Welch who was the CEO of GE. It’s called Winning and it’s sitting right on my desk. I refer to it regularly, but that is a great read that I highly recommend to people.
Number two, a piece of advice you got that you’ll never forget?
It was my grandfather that gave me one of the best pieces of advice ever. I try to instill this in every interaction. That advice was, “People might forget your name, they might forget what you do, but they will never forget the way you make people feel.” I always in every interaction try to make people feel special.
Number three, anything you wish you could go back and do differently?
[bctt tweet=”Successful people don’t look at the weekends as a time to escape but as a time to restore and plan for continued success. ” username=””]
I look back on the oil and gas business in what I did. If I could go back and raise all of the money that we raised from all of those investors, I asked myself sometimes, “How my life would have been different if I had invested in real estate rather than oil and gas?” Perhaps it would have been to use my skills in sales and all the money that I raised and build a real estate portfolio instead of drilling for oil and natural gas.
Number four, what’s still on your bucket list to achieve?
I interviewed a gentleman on my podcast by the name of Greg Paul. Greg still is the only person that ever reached the summit of Mount Everest on two artificial knees at the age of 62. He was back over in the Himalayas with the team and reached the summit of another peak called Ama Dablam. Greg lives in Utah. I’ve already put it on my bucket list when he gets back. I’m reaching out and I’m taking Gregg and he’s going to teach me how to use the carabiner and the ropes. We’re going to climb a hairy audacious mountain, I haven’t been picked out the one. That is something that’s on my bucket list is to take a guy that’s been at the top of the world and have him take me along on his next big major journey.
You’ll come back on the show to let us know how it went.
I would love too. A lot of pictures and a lot of stuff. Greg ‘s got a lot of phenomenal pictures of him in the Sherpa’s, on the peak and the summit. I’d be more than happy to share that next journey in my life with you and your readers as well.
Brad, thank you so much for joining us. I know your time is valuable and that is why in the name of our readers, we will forever be grateful for sharing some of your time with us.
Thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure. I’ve enjoyed having my time here.
Links Mentioned
- Brad Blazar
- On the Wings of Eagles: Learn to Soar in Life
- Daniel Gefen – previous episode
- Wendy Weiss – previous episode
- Winning
- Greg Paul – Previous episode on Brad’s podcast
About Brad Blazar
Brad is an effective sales leader who over a decade ago set out on a mission to compile stories from his prior business experience as founder & CEO of a small oil company and the encounters from meetings and speaking events with some of the world’s best leaders in sports, business, and politics. He is the founder of The Art of Beliefology™ – believing that you have the power to change your beliefs and your future. His book On the Wings of Eagles – Learn to Soar in Life was recently rated a #1 top read for young entrepreneurs.
While in school, Brad studied architecture with the goal of becoming a real estate developer. Getting side-tracked, he entered the oil and gas industry and found himself at the helm of his own business. Following his career in natural resources, Brad went to work raising money for others and has been in financial services for over 20 years.
Brad is both an entrepreneur and a confident and effective sales manager, having led teams to raise capital for some of the financial service industry’s leading firms. During his career, he has raised approximately $2 Billion thru his efforts and the efforts of teams he has led.
While in business for himself many years ago, Brad watched the transformation of a young man named Jack that came to work for him. Jack was a roughneck in the oil & gas industry and wanted a better life for his family. By changing his belief system with Brad’s help, he went on to earn considerably more and became a better father, husband and provider. It was at this time that Brad began studying how changing one’s beliefs can have a large impact on one’s future success. While attending the University of Miami, at the same time Olympic Gold Medal diver Greg Louganis was there, he would watch as Greg would visualize each dive in his mind prior to actually performing it. It was at this time Brad’s interest in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) developed as he studied other top athletes he met over the years.
Over the course of his career Brad has met, and had the pleasure of hearing, a number of famous people speak at industry conferences. Whether it be former President George W. Bush, former commander in chief Oliver North, football legend Joe Namath, or Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary – Brad has assembled his copious notes into his soon to be released book: On the Wings of Eagles – Learning to Soar in Life. Taking the message from each of these famous speakers, while sharing stories from his past, Brad has put together a book on success, leadership, teamwork and changing one’s beliefs. In addition, he is the founder of The Art Beliefology™ and teaches others how to change their limiting beliefs while focusing on a more successful future. Brad has been interviewed on multiple radio stations, numerous top podcasts and speaks to thousands across the country.