Company Culture


By , December 18, 2013

Q: What’s better than spending the day with a talented group of people who are passionate about providing clients with the highest levels of professionalism, commitment and service?

A: Spending the evening with those talented people in a luxurious ballroom surrounded by delectable dishes, inspiring speeches and a feeling of camaraderie.

The official Ptex Group “Time Out Event” took place on Tuesday at the opulent Renaissance Ballroom in Boro Park as a way for the “Ptex Family” to take a well-deserved break from the busy workday… and enjoy each other’s company in the presence of a fine gourmet dinner.

Leiby Beilus, Ptex Group’s Call Center Director, kicked off the evening by warmly welcoming the crowd of thirty-something employees and promptly introduced CEO Meny Hoffman as the opening speaker.

Meny begin his talk by sharing some exciting news: change is coming to Ptex Group. As the company continually grows and expands – and as it prepares to move into a stunning new office building – a redefining of the corporate vision and mission was fashioned to better position Ptex for the next level of advancement.

Built on the foundation of a celebrated reputation for passion, culture and creativity, a meaningful booklet outlining the new Ptex Ethos was distributed to all in attendance. Meny Hoffman delivered an impassioned speech outlining the topics inside, while conveying lighthearted lines that touched directly on Ptex Group’s deep founding roots.

“More often than not, a little bit of creativity takes the ‘im’ out of impossible.”

“Two ears. One mouth. We use them in that order, and in that proportion.”

“While we’re focusing on the big picture, we’re sweating every detail.”

“Mistakes happen. It’s what happens next that separates the meek from the courageous.”

“We’re partners, not just service providers. The difference? We take it personally.”

Having instilled the crowd with a heartfelt awareness about the importance of embracing Ptex Group’s vision and remaining true to its core values, the podium was formally turned over to the evening’s Guest Speaker: the world-renowned Rabbi Jonathan Rietti.

Captivating the audience with a perfect blend of humor, charm and inspiration, Rabbi Rietti blended the topics of advertising, customer service, kindness and Torah into a compelling lecture that opened eyes, minds and hearts simultaneously.

Paraphrasing Meny Hoffman’s earlier remarks, Rabbi Rietti expounded on the innovative concept of “I’d rather lose a dollar than lose a customer” and how it relates to the company vision.

“This is what makes Ptex Group so different!” he exclaimed. “I am amazed to see how you will bend over backwards and make sure every client walks out of your office 100% satisfied. There’s no price tag to put on a Shem Tov – a good name. And it’s so gratifying to see how all of you at Ptex Group embrace this lofty purpose and passion as your philosophy.”

Rabbi Rietti then concluded the evening by encouraging us all to work harder to benefit ourselves, our company and our many clients.

While the delectable appetizers are long gone, the wine bottles empty and speeches over, one thing still remains: the passion to uphold these values which have transformed Ptex Group into a company treasured by employees and clients alike.

Looking to experience the exhilarating Ptex Group culture on a daily basis? Click here to view current job openings.




Nathan Weill

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