Let's Talk Business, Podcast

The Secrets of Successful Hiring and Onboarding with Anna Shcherbyna

By , June 5, 2023

Hiring remote workers offers benefits both to businesses and their employees… and this can also lead to headaches and mistakes in hiring and onboarding.

In this episode of Let’s Talk Business, Anna Shcherbyna, CEO of Remotivate and an expert in helping companies recruit remote management and leadership offers practical advice to ensure that your company doesn’t waste time and money by hiring people who look and sound great – but are actually all wrong for your business.

Anna Shcherbyna has over ten years of experience in international Operations and Recruitment for major companies and online businesses. Originally from Ukraine, Anna is currently based in Barcelona and is the CEO of Remotivate – a recruitment agency that helps remote-friendly companies hire top remote Management & Leadership via an affordable done-for-you service.

Listen and enjoy!

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The Secrets of Successful Hiring and Onboarding with Anna Shcherbyna

[00:01 – 07:24] Opening Segment

• Anna’s experience in international operations and recruiting

  • How to help remote-friendly companies with top remote management and leadership

• Masterminds help entrepreneurs learn, grow, and lead by providing valuable and actionable tools

• Anna’s specialty is helping online business owners hire for leadership and management roles

[07:25 – 14:27] Exploring the Benefits of Remote First Businesses and Intentional Culture Building

• Remote work creates freedom to be able to spend time with family and have more balance in life

  • Candidates are more productive, engaged and work more hours

• What makes work more intentional, resulting in better results, happier people, and faster growth

• The increase in remote job postings and applicants on LinkedIn

[14:28 – 21:16] Practical Advice for Hiring Remote Employees

• Interviewing process should include a test project to assess the candidate’s capabilities

  • Set clear expectations and make them data-driven and time-specific for onboarding

• When hiring, interview at least two or three candidates to compare their skillsets

• Avoid making hasty decisions when desperate to hire – assess the candidate properly

[21:17 – 27:45] The Benefits of Multiple Interviews for Hiring Success

• Interview multiple candidates to ensure the right fit for your business

  • Have an unbiased opinion from someone else in the recruitment process

• Meny breaks down his 3-step interview process

• Research the candidate and allow them to research you and your business

[27:46 – 34:30] Tips on Structuring Interviews and Communication with Remote Employees

• Structure interviews with different goals in mind

• Have regular check-in calls with remote employees

  • Use time tracking to understand how much time is dedicated to different tasks

• Why you should hire an operations specialist as a business grows

[34:31 – 38:12] Closing Segment

• Start hiring sooner rather than later to avoid working 16-hour days and having a messy team

• Anna on the rapid-four questions


Key Quotes:


“People will hire quickly to fill in a problem. But they created just another problem because now they’re wasting time and money.” – Anna Shcherbyna

“Remote work creates the freedom to spend your time being more productive, but also having more balance in life.”   – Anna Shcherbyna

“It is not quantity; it’s really been about quality.” – Anna Shcherbyna


Want to connect with Anna? Follow her on LinkedIn. Visit Let’s Remotivate, the simple way to find remote leadership!


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About Anna Shcherbyna

Anna Shcherbyna has over 10 years of experience in international Operations and Recruitment for both major companies and online businesses. Originally from Ukraine, Anna is currently based in Barcelona and is the CEO of Remotivate – a recruitment agency that helps remote-friendly companies hire top remote Management & Leadership via an affordable done-for-you service.

This season of the podcast is sponsored by:

Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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