Business, Let's Talk Business

The 3 Things You Need to Know to Get the Most Out of LTB 2014

By , July 6, 2014

It’s game time. #LTB2014 is quite literally just around the corner.

In addition to producing second-to-none work for our clients, the Ptex Group team is in overdrive doing everything in our power to make LTB 2014 bigger, better and bolder than last year.

And yet, I managed to do the impossible.

Somehow – amidst the craziness that is planning a 600-person premiere Jewish business summit – I was able to sit down with the captain of the ship and CEO of the Ptex Group, Meny Hoffman.

Why did he make the time?

Now that you’ve invested in taking time out of your schedule to learn, grow and network at our full-day conference, Meny wanted to share 3 tips with you on how to get the most value out of LTB 2014.

Here’s what he had to say:

#1. Have a positive attitude.

First and foremost, if you want to achieve real, measurable growth at LTB 2014, you need to come with genuine willingness to learn.

Ask yourself honestly, “Am I really open to learning new things?”

If you come to the event with skepticism, and an attitude that the speaker has to prove that they’re worth your time, then you won’t be in the mindset necessary to really absorb the valuable lessons and insights they’re sharing.

Challenge yourself to let your guard down and really be open to approaching sales, marketing, branding, business development or customer relations from a different perspective. You might just learn something brilliant.

#2. Take Things Out of Context.

As you listen to speakers, you might not be able to personally relate to their stories. You’re not a retired F-16 fighter pilot like keynote speaker Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman? Join the club. That doesn’t mean there isn’t value in his story, you just need to listen carefully for the key message.

Then apply that core message to your unique business or professional path.

A successful executive at the CEO Roundtable might speak about the art of up-selling in a retail store. Do you have a service-based business or online store? So go ahead, and get c-r-e-a-t-i-v-e. Think of ways to adapt their proven strategies to benefit your business.

Not quite sure how? Be brave! Throw your hand up during a question period and – gulp – ask!

#3. Initiate (2-way) Conversations

You won’t find a more diverse group of Jewish business owners, entrepreneurs and employees gathered together at one venue with one shared core mission: to grow, learn and … drum roll please:


Rather than just schmoozing with people you already know, make a pointed effort to strike up conversations with new people.

And remember, networking is more about farming than it is about hunting. Why? It’s about cultivating relationships. Relationships can yield incredible new opportunities.

Relationships go two ways. If you meet someone who you can share insight, advice or a valuable contact with, go for it! The effort you make could mean the world of difference to someone striving to climb the corporate ladder or grow their business.

If you still haven’t registered for #LTB2014, click here now!

Want to spread the word that you’ll be joining us? Make sure to use the #LTB2014 hashtag and follow us on Twitter @LTBsummit.


Rachel Segal

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