Business, Let's Talk Business, Productivity

Before Putting Your Business on Vacation

By , April 13, 2016

Make sure to check these things off your to-do list

At the end of next week, Ptex Group will be closing its doors for a few short days.

Our hardworking team plans to celebrate the wonderful Jewish holiday of Pesach (Passover) and will honor this beautiful, timeless tradition… by taking a vacation from the office.

Dozens of studies show it is both healthy and important to periodically take a break from our hectic work schedules. And the reason is quite simple.

We are so busy dealing with the issues of everyday business that often we fail to focus on the things most important in life: our families.

Spending quality time with our loved ones; enjoying homemade meals; relaxing with friends. That’s what living is really all about.

A few calm days away from the ringing phones and tight deadlines can help you recharge, reflect, and come back to work re-energized. Think you’re losing by taking time off? You actually stand to gain.

The meaningful moments spent together as family creates fond memories and fosters a genuine sense of satisfaction. Best of all? You may even find the time to take that family photo portrait you’ve been pushing off all these months.

But don’t walk away from the office without wrapping things up properly. Here are a few Ptex Practical Pointers that can help you do just that:

Keep Them Posted – Keep your clients informed by sending out an email a few days before leaving the office clearly detailing your vacation schedule. Update your voicemail greeting and create an auto-reply email listing this information as well.

Create Action Lists – As exciting as it is to take a vacation, it’s important to stay focused on the present. There are still plenty of last-minute deadlines looming ahead of your vacation. Set aside a chunk of time to properly organize a precise list of every project still on the agenda. This will help you prioritize tasks and ensure that nothing slips through the cracks.

Pay Up Now – Unfortunately, bills never take a vacation. Remember to check the due dates of your utility bills, credit card statements and vendor invoices ahead of time, so you can deal with them accordingly.

Ultimately, the better you prepare for taking a vacation from work, the more you’ll be able to enjoy it without stress. If you will be celebrating the Pesach holiday, I’d like to wish you a happy and healthy one. And if you plan on heading out to some sun-drenched location this summer… remember to keep this email handy.

Onward and upward,

Meny Hoffman


Meny Hoffman

Meny Hoffman is the Chief Executive Officer of Ptex Group, an Inc. 500/5000-ranked marketing and business services firm headquartered in Brooklyn, NY.

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