Business, Let's Talk Business


By , June 25, 2014

Do you find social events physically exhausting?

Would you rather spend your daily breaks at the office solo, as opposed to than chatting up co-workers over lukewarm cups of coffee?

Does the idea of raising your hand to ask a question at LTB 2014 make you squirm?

News flash, my friend: You’re probably an introvert… and you’re not alone.

Please don’t take offense. Most people make the mistake of viewing the “introvert” label negatively. If a colleague calls you an introvert, you might assume that they think you’re painfully shy or antisocial. It’s true that introverts maybe shy. But they can also be outgoing at times, have many friends, and even possess superb social skills.

That begs the question – what exactly makes an introvert an introvert?

Plain and simple, introverts are energized by being alone. Quite literally, their energy is drained by being around others. They tend to be “thinkers” with an active inner world of swirling thoughts and feelings. After schmoozing with peers or prospective clients at a networking event, they need time alone to recharge.

Can you relate?

Events like LTB 2014 are about personal and professional growth. Sure, there’s lots to learn while sitting in the crowd at The Launch Pad, breakaway sessions or the Executive Roundtable. But growth can also come in the form of networking between sessions with potential partners, customers and investors.

Whether you’re an introvert or plain old shy, here are some strategies to use while networking to get the most out of LTB 2014.

Get Super Comfy

Ever heard the saying, “You’re the product of your environment?” Well, it rings true. Your environment can majorly impact your mood and increase – or decrease – your desire to engage with others.

So, how can you make your environment a little less stressful and more conducive to successful networking?

Find a quiet place outside where you can go to unwind between sessions. Check your email or have a cup of coffee. When you’re relaxed and ready to focus, head back in.

Pace Yourself, Plan Ahead

It’s important to take breaks when you need them. But if you don’t plan your solo breaks, you may wind up taking too many and missing out on stellar networking opportunities.

Worse, you might forget to take the breaks you need. There’s nothing more daunting than spending the day feeling overwhelmed or sapped of energy.

Our suggestion? Literally schedule your breaks into a hard copy of the LTB 2014 program. And remember: Keep them short and sweet. You’re taking time away to recharge so that you can return with renewed energy and focus.

Set Networking Goals

Goal-setting is a roadmap to success. If you want reaching your objectives to be more than a pipedream, then you’ll need to set yourself measurable goals.

But why? Goals help keep you accountable and on track. There’s no better place to start setting goals than at LTB 2014.

If fact, before you even show up to The Rockleigh – our luxurious new venue – write your goals down on a cue card. This way they’re more concrete, not just “nice ideas.”

Maybe your goal is to distribute your business card to 5 high-value contacts. Or perhaps you want to ask a question at a breakaway session or the Executive Roundtable event.

Whatever your goal is, make it tangible and challenge yourself to follow through.

Bring a Cheat Sheet

Are you a shy introvert?

Maybe you’ve decided that this is the year you’ll break out of your shell and embrace networking to grow your business.

The trouble is, it can be tricky to come up with conversation starters. To set yourself up for success, come prepared.

Write down a few questions that you’d like to ask prospects and take note of a few key points you’d like to share about yourself and your business. If you see someone that you want to introduce yourself to, take a quick glance at your cheat sheet for that extra boost of courage and confidence.

Introvert or extrovert, life of the party or shy wallflower, LTB 2014 promises to dish up a world of possibility for budding entrepreneurs and established business owners alike.

Come with a strategy or two and you’ll be well on your way to capitalizing on networking opportunities… without feeling the need to duck out early!

Register for LTB 2014 today. We’ll keep you posted on the news about speakers, sponsors and hot topics that everyone is buzzing about.

Rachel Segal

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