Business, Let's Talk Business, Marketing

Learn to Sell Like A Pro at LTB 2014

By , July 4, 2014

Still haven’t signed up for #LTB2014? Then you’ve probably got one of these excuses:

“I’d love to go, but I’m so busy I can barely see straight….”

“I need to get my sales up this month, I can’t justify taking a day off…”

“I’m not much into motivational speakers…”

Does this sound like you?

We don’t blame you. Crazy busy? We can definitely empathize! Haven’t yet hit your sales quota for the month? We hear you.

But here’s the thing: Our speakers aren’t fluffy.

We’re bringing in the best and the brightest in the corporate world to teach you strategies and approaches that you can jot down, take home and implement in your business to produce real-world results.

Take best-selling author and sales guru, Hal Becker.

He conducts sales seminars and consults to over 140 organizations a year, including Disney, IBM, United Airlines, AT&T and Verizon.

Why’s he so in demand?

Hal is a nationally known expert on sales, customer service and negotiating. At 22, he became the #1 sales person among a national sales force of 11,000 for the Xerox Corporation.

Six years later, he survived terminal cancer months after launching Direct Opinions, one of America’s first customer service telephone survey marketing firms. He sold his successful company in 1990 to embark on a mission to consult and speak around the world about the S word…


In his “spare time,” Hal authored “Can I have 5 Minutes Of Your Time?” which countless corporations use as their “sales bible”; “Lip Service,” one of  the nation’s foremost books on customer service; and “Get What You Want,” a fresh and fun guide to negotiating.

His most recent brainchild? The “Ultimate Sales Book.”

Hal was voted one of the “World’s top 30 Professional Sales Trainers” by and is one of only 8 people in the world to receive the Toastmasters International Communication and Leadership Award.

So let’s get real. Hal’s not coming to schmooze. If you’re in the business of sales and want to grow your profits, Hal is a man you should meet.

He’ll be at #LTB2014 ready to teach you how to sell bigger, better and bolder.

Click here to register! Tickets are flying and time is running out.

Rachel Segal

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