Business, Let's Talk Business

#LTB2014: ‘So Long until Next Year

By , July 9, 2014

Today the Ptex Group can finally exhale.


After months of planning, pushing and perfecting, #LTB2014 materialized from vision to reality, goal to “mission accomplished.”

Some of you drove from nearby to the picturesque Rockleigh in New Jersey…other’s flew in from afar.

But the important thing is that you showed up. You put business as usual on hold for the day because you’re driven to succeed. To push. To grow. To expand your network. And to make 2014 a bigger, better and bolder business year.

Charlie Harary? The official #LTB2014 emcee, it was no surprise that he knocked it out of the park for a second year in a row.

Rob “Waldo” Waldman? The Wingman – who evidently is part of the “mishpacha” – inspired us to commit to our teams and “Push it Up!”ltb8
Dave Crenshaw? He challenged us all to become time-masters, rather than time-wasters.
Gerry O’Brion? He showed us how the “little guy” can use what big brands like Coors Light know to explode their businesses.What Big Brands Know
Hal Becker? Salespeople learned more than a thing or two from him about the ART of selling.


And the list of inspiring speakers goes on. Just check out the motivational quotes floating around our Twitter (@LTBsummit), Facebook (LTB Business Summit) and Instagram (LTBsummit) feeds.

So, who was the star of the show? What was the main attraction?

It’s really a tough call.

The Executive Panel offered fascinating insight into what mega-successful CEOs have learned on their unique, sometimes bumpy roads to success.

Last but definitely not least, The Launch Pad – inspired by Shark Tank – ended #LTB2014 with bang.

Want to read a play by play of #LTB2014?

Click here to see the #LTB2014 Live Blog that was updated throughout the event (by yours truly) with powerful quotes, pictures and other exciting news. Leave comments! I’d love to hear about your experience.

All in all, we want to say a big, heart-felt THANK YOU.

Thank you to our sponsors for enabling us to make #LTB2014 a success.

And thank you – business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals – for investing not only in us, but in yourselves.

The moment you stop growing, striving and challenging yourself to reach greater heights in business is the moment that your competitors will pass you by.

By attending #LTB2014, you made it clear that you’re serious about success.

And if you take what you learned at #LTB2014 and apply it to your business, I have every confidence that you’ll taste that sweet success soon.

See you at #LTB2015!

Oh, please e-mail LTB Summit founder Meny Hoffman your valued feedback:

He’s committed to making next year THE best LTB Summit yet.


Rachel Segal

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