Business, Let's Talk Business, Productivity

The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing it All” Gets Nothing Done

By , July 2, 2014

If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, then you’ve probably worn all the hats and been the Jack (or Jill) of All Trades. You’ve worked the impossible hours, forgotten the meaning of “work-life balance”  and juggled never-ending to-do lists with the hope that the hard work would pay off and translate into a plump bottom line.

So, how do you break the vicious cycle and achieve success?

Successful business owners come to the realization that trying to do it all will get you nowhere – or at least nowhere special – fast.

But the most successful business owners take that realization to the next level by asking: “What action steps can I take to break the cycle and leverage my team and resources for the best results?”

A sought-after author, speaker and business coach, Dave Crenshaw is the master of helping business owners triumph over the chaos holding them back from reaching the goals that they work so hard to achieve.

But Crenshaw wasn’t always on the ball — he actually considers himself inherently unfocussed and was diagnosed with “off the charts ADHD.” Rather than succumbing to an exhausting professional life of being pulled in all directions, Crenshaw developed simple systems that small business leaders around the world now use to improve their focus, structure, and stability.

Having successfully transformed thousands of businesses worldwide, we jumped at the opportunity to snatch Crenshaw up as a dynamic, entertaining keynote speaker at the LTB 2014 business summit.

A best-selling author, his book, “The Myth of Multitasking: How “Doing It All” Gets Nothing Done,” has been published in six languages! Whatever the language, his message is clearly being soaked up by business owners.

Crenshaw may have mastered the science of focus and time management, but he still manages to keep busy. He’s appeared in Time magazine, Forbes, the Washington Post, and the BBC News; continues to publish best-selling books; and founded Invaluable Inc., a coaching and training corporation that transforms businesses worldwide.

If you have you’re so busy doing everything that nothing seems to get done right, or if you’re ready to take your business to the next level without pulling your hair out in the process, then Crenshaw is an absolute must-see.

Don’t miss him — book your tickets to LTB 2014 today.

Click here to register and learn the time management secrets that have helped catapult Crenshaw to the top.


Rachel Segal

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