Business, Let's Talk Business

We’re About To Make History!

By , May 22, 2013

History is being made in Brooklyn with the launching of the LTB 2013 Business Summit – and we at Ptex Group want you to be a part of it.

Created as the nation’s first-ever, large-scale Jewish business conference, LTB 2013 aims to help a select crowd of 500 serious-minded businesspeople learn, grow and succeed more in the world of business.

As the creative brainchild of Ptex Group CEO Meny Hoffman, LTB 2013 fills a gaping void currently found in our community – the limited  resources to help entrepreneurs, business owners and employees of thriving companies navigate the complexities of everyday commerce. LTB 2013 will be providing you with an exclusive platform for growth; one that you never had access to previously.

So take out your calendar and reserve the date: June 11, 2012, at The Dyker Beach Golf Club. For additional details and registration information, please click here.

Nathan Weill

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